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Coronavirus Help for Teaching at Home!
in multi-level units as a family
using fun, memorable ACTIVITIES*
*EXCEPT the 3R’s which must be taught at each child’s level

KONOS believes....though these are ONLY lesson plans and…..
….you do not have the actual curriculum book and….
….you have never done homeschool….
….AS THE PARENT, you know your kids better than anyone else!
….Jessica teaches more information than necessary and….
….your kids have the internet to replace library books and….
THE ACTIVITIES in KONOS create interest, level information, and are fun ….YOU GOT THIS!
The Predicament...
You want to do a great job teaching your children but...
How can you stop teaching to learn how to teach?
Who can teach you how to teach well?
The Solution
Enter with Wade and Jessica Hulcy!!
Now you can get online training to improve your teaching skills from a master teacher WHILE TEACHING YOUR KIDS! How?
HomeSchoolMentor (HSM) are online groups for first year moms AND veteran moms offering weekly training from master teacher, Jessica Hulcy, in how to teach and what to teach your kids each week in specific KONOS units.
Each week, when you want, Jessica Hulcy appears on your computer in your home for a one hour session on a split screen….½ of the screen has Jessica talking and the other ½ has printable Power Point lesson plans for that week.
For 1 hour Jessica not only tells you WHAT TO TEACH, but she has DONE ALL THE RESEARCH FOR YOU! You can turn right around and teach your kids like a pro! Jessica is such a hoot …many times appearing in costume, and she is so practical that you often cut to her hands to watch her demonstrate like on the cooking channel. She is so entertaining that many kids watch with their moms and then do the activities…and you can watch as many times as you like 24/7.